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August 2020 Goals

Month 1 of quarter 3 in the bag...I’ve gotten more done in the last 30 days than I’ve done in an entire year!

There’s still more work to do tho. Over the next month of August I plan to focus on my health and continuing to grow my business.

1. Starting my #ketoweightlossjourney with @healthyjenell on Saturday 8/1

2. Enrolling 100 students into my online school with the help of my business coach @jenellbstewart

It’s so important to invest yourself and your future. I used to try to do everything on my own but what a waste of time energy and money. Having a coach and being in a community of like minded women is one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time.

I’ll be sharing my journey and tracking my progress along the way. If you have questions about any part of my process please don’t hesitate to ask.

What goals will you be working on in the next month??

#Repost @staceyciceron from June 29, 2020


I’m starting this week with a renewed sense of self, fresh vision and more determination than ever.


Within the last month I have ignited things that have been on my Visionboard and goals list for years. 1. Started an online school for Textured Hair Education 2. Started a life coaching certification program 3. Started selling physical products online to name a few.


For some reason it hit me that as my daughters are entering high school in the fall, they potentially have only 4 more years with me at home full time to make a lasting impression.


An impression of commitment, success, courage, perseverance, passion. Living out my dreams unapologetically and smashing my goals with NO excuses as to why I’m not living my best life. Period.


When I push them to be their best self there should be no doubt that what I’m telling them to do is possible.

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